Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Funny Valentine

When Maggie lived here we always celebrated Valentines day with a whole load of lovely cakes from Greggs. Mmmmmmm.......

If you can have haggis on burns night, pancakes on shrove tuesday, chocolate eggs at easter and a feast at christmas we couldn't see why 2 single girls couldn't enjoy cream cakes on valentines! More of an anti-valentines day/any old excuse to eat a lot of cake ;O)

Anyway, alas, Maggie isn't here just now so no cake today but she did send me this amazing pen - the wings actually flap up and down as you write! - I'm very excited about it :O) and it made me laugh out loud when it came through the door this morning.
(as she pointed out cake wasn't really an option because theres not a Greggs in Inverness and it would be pretty squished by the time it got to me if there was!)

So happy anti-valentines to all the singles out there, go eat cake and be merry! xxx

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