The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Ollie's first shot.

We had a cracking day today.

A bazaar at Garvald. We saw 3 blippers and at least one sang for us :-) LLP is a talented artist. She graciously accepted some buttons of my Mum's and we managed to swell their coffers a wee bit. Trabroun, the errant blipper accompanied us and as we realised we had a very short time to see everything at the bazaar, we dashed around to see everything we could. Next year we will go earlier and spend a lot longer. The whole place was very impressive and we would have loved to chat to the guys organising it all, but it was a very busy time for them.

We headed off for a chat to Trabroun and enjoyed lunch and a good laugh.

Next we headed to Ikea and met up with Ollie and his parent's for a cuppa. He is a wee charmer. He had great fun running around and meeting other wee chaps and chapesses. He didn't want his juice from his (nearly) non spill cup. He wanted a shot of milk or two. He knows what he wants does this one.

Curlyfries had an appointment with his mates, (which is why he really came home), so we headed home so he could pickle some parts that only beer can reach.

I hope Ollie sticks to milk for the forseeable future.

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