It was very pleasant sitting in the warm bus speeding to Glasgow while outside the rain battered down on the foggy frosty fields. My visit was not for shopping or pleasure although hundreds were attracted to the bright lights of Christmas in the city centre as they made their way to the shops. How many noticed the man lying on a bench in the cold rain just around the corner?  It is a fairly common scene in many cities now that people don’t take a second look.  Those who did would notice that the cold wet figure is actually a sculpture which was put outside St George’s Tron Kirk last December.  

Homeless Jesus was designed by Timothy Schmalz, a Canadian sculptor and a devout Catholic depicting Jesus as a homeless person, sleeping on a park bench with his face and hands under a blanket but his cruxifixion wounds are visible on his feet.  Since the first sculpture was installed in 2013 over 100 have been installed worldwide.  On a cold wet day it brings the realisation of how many people have nowhere to shelter now.

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