wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


I complained about not having any knitting needles or yarn, my housemate wants a tea cosy. So he thought up an ingenious birthday present to give me. ;) so far I good, I've never knitted a tea cosy before! He's Swedish, so chose the colours carefully.

I appear to have a viral throat thing. I thought it was a cold, but my throat has been persistently sore and all the symptoms match what the NHS website says is a viral throat. Ugh. So not impressed. It's just been too long a winter, not enough fresh air or exercise, too much sitting around with new germs. Not much I can do, just have to sit it out, keep up the fluids and nurofen, and all that. Of course I'm being very sensible today, staying up to watch Star Trek (the new movie) on tv...

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