
It was a strange day. The usual hustle and bustle of the office was replaced (mostly) by tranquility.

The Goth is recovering from surgery and will be absent for a while. The Manager was in Parliament to support the Boss who had to deliver a speech in the Chamber. 

So, I was there all alone. Security requirements mean the front door stays locked in that situation, so the public can’t just wander in at random. Even the phones were relatively quiet. It was noticeable how productive I was in that environment. 

Two people were allowed in as they had been told we’d be “open” before we knew we’d be “shut”, and they truly illustrated the variety of the job. The first was unhappy about a parking ticket he’d received. The second wanted some advice about her brother’s murder. 

Lunch was relaxed and calm too. I Blipped the College again as I headed back to work for the afternoon. 

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