Dear Santa.

Excuse the blurry shot, but it was the best I could do on a moving escalator.
I went back up and down it several times to get a better shot, but the staff
started to look at me strangely, and began to look for my 'helper/minder'.

Dear Santa, thanks for this year.
Unless you have any nasty surprises in store for me (and I know you can
be a bit of a sneaky bastard sometimes), it's been a good one.
I'm grateful for things that have brought me joy and balance.
And looking forward to a wonderful Christmas with my healthy
and happy family. Ok, I accept there'll be a few rows and altercations
that will involve Samuri swords and punctured spleens.
And maybe some rectal damage caused by burnt chipolatas.

Working 12 hours a day 7 days a week at the moment
is really doing my head in.

But still.

Ta, big fella.

And could I have some Ginger Float bath stuff from Origins please.

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