What did I see today...?

By DaveR

The Cost of Victory

Here we are at last, the end of another November, NaNoWriMo and Movember (yes, that is a moustache on my face; yes, it is comical; yes, as I write this it is gone!).

The first time I ever did NaNo in Cambridge I pulled an all-nighter to finish as I hit a severe case of motivation around the final stretch - well for the first time in a few years the same happened again. Writing through the night, with some excellent company from our Canadian friend in the chatroom, I wrapped up this year's novel sometime around 5:30 a.m. on Friday. Yes, it is probably a nightmare to read; yes, I killed some characters off just to get the word count higher (I started a war a little early, it was a problem!) and yes, I really can't do a proper funeral - but yes, it was finished and at bang on 50K was probably my neatest ending ever*

Of course, this did mean the rest of the day was spent (apart from a three-hour nap) in a bit of a sleep-deprived blur; I went to see the new 'Rise of the Guardians' film which was great fun but I think I need to see again while a bit more awake, met up with some NaNoers as they sprinted for their finishes, and finally spent most of the evening struggling to stay awake hanging out with friends at various pubs and wine bars - let's just say it worked in getting me to sleep properly - a solid ten hours was a worthy reward.

Anyway, what's next? Ah yes... the catch-up game - see you all soon!

Writing in the Dark
The Last Sunset

Day 30; 50,000 words written!

*The official final wordcount from the NaNo site is 50,083 words, but it has a habit of gifting extra ones in the validation process - I suspect this is caused by the breaks I use between paragraphs, so I'm saying 50K exactly this year!

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