
Out and about - over to Murrayfield then stopping in at the Modern Art place where Now is on. And because they want to include work in progress they’re showing The Bedfords by Henry Coombes again. What an excellent film that is. Has it all. And the other stand out - Cabaret Crusades by Wael Shawky; apparently he’s a big cheese, or grand wazir, in Middle Eastern arty circles. And deservedly so if this 30 minute film was anything to go by. Yes, even better than Charlotte Podger’s cat. Don’t get me started.

It being a Friday, and old habits dying hard, a teatime pint along at the Dreadnought was called for. And even after a second, I was home early enough for a mighty TVathon. Though I had to delete Wednesday night’s MOTD. I may retrieve it of course if the nagging feeling persists that I just have to see Wolves’ goals. See, didn’t mention Brexit.

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