
By Nigel


I had this idea a few days ago but never got chance to try it out. It's quite late in a busy day so I didn't really put enough time into taking the picture, never mind. If you don't watch heroes it may not mean anything to you.

Started out today with a big list of intentions but they kept going wrong. First the wall that I was drilling to put shelves on turns out to have a two inch layer of magic fall apart plaster over the brickwork and I can't get any plugs to stay in the wall. As I had already removed the bookcase the shelves were replacing I then had to find somewhere to put all the stuff that was on the bookcase till I can get the shelves up. Intended time, about an hour. Final time, about 4 hours (with time added on for cussing).

Next I burnt the crackling due to putting it in the oven and then sitting down to play Fallout 3, thus forgetting about the oven till it started to smoke. So I had to go to the shops to get more belly pork and start again.

Whilst getting the original belly pork cooked for when Jen gets in from work around midnight I though I would make myself a quick sausage sandwich, though rather than burning the sausages I put them in the pan with the oil far too hot and hot oil spattered all over the hob and the kitchen bench. Cue unplanned for diversion to clean all that mess up.

I'm not going to try anything else now, just play Fallout 3 till Jen gets home, when we can have dinner and go to bed.

On a plus note I manged to make the time to start switching from Freehand to Illustrator, which I know is a better program but we learned Freehand at college and I have stuck with it for the past 10 years.

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