The boys

We headed to Santa Eulalia this morning to scope out the venue friends are getting married at next weekend... I'm meant to take pics (help help hellllp) so wanted to go take a look and get some ideas. It looks like a lovely restaurant right on the seafront. We had a nice morning wandering round the town and looking for Secret Santa gifts.
We watched a couple of Christmas films this afternoon & then Asha and I went to watch her friend do a gymnastics recital. It was in a local sports hall - took me back to school days and doing exams in rows in our old sports hall. Asha went off with her friend's family & isn't home yet (10pm)...better social life than me!
Apologies for the phone pic, but I loved the comfy moment.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Discovering the restaurant for the wedding is lighter than I'd feared.
2) Asha's joy for her friend doing well in her gymnastics recital.
3) A morning together.

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