Tales of a bedbound mum

By Bedbound

Four calls and too many chocolates

So for the first time my main carer did all for calls here today, normally she finishes around 5.30 so doesn't do my night time call, but finally tonight she has been talked into it, and in good humour has enjoyed pigging out on chocolates with me and the other carer on every call... So why a picture of biscuits? Well we've eaten the chocolates and the box is out of my reach!

A and I have spent a little bit of extra quality time together today, as I am generally not too bed at the moment, in so much as I am managing environmental stimulus a bit Which means if she moves or wriggles I am not becoming a writhering wreck of pain and anger in seconds..

S has just found my address book so tomorrow I may write some Christmas cards and maybe just maybe this year they might make the post... Well one can hope!

There is also snow on the mountains .

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