Santa's coming!!!!!!!!!!!!


Today we had the school fair 10-12. It was very very busy, as always. The kids fleeced us too. I bought some raffle tickets and............wait for it..........I won a pie and something else but can't remember what it is in all my excitement!!!!

Aunty Gillian, Uncle Jim, Amie and Emma came over so that Gillian and I could sort some of the Christmas day cooking out and freeze. It all started quite well and the intention was there however the food never got cooked but the wine was drank!!!! hehe xx David and Esther joined us too.

I am keeping Esther's wedding dress at my house until the big day next week......bit nerve wracking but it will be perfectly safe! It's all covered with a sheet and the kids have all been warned "STAY CLEAR!"

We had a great night apart from not doing what we had planned!!!! Due to the change in plans last night we then had to get up this morning and do it!! Well actually I just steered clear......I washed the kids, all 6 of them, including their hair and left Aunty Gillian and Big Johnny in the kitchen!!!

Megan had the technical rehearsal today for the panto! 1.30-6....except they finished early and couldn't get me for a wee while!! How bad am i? anyway we did get her eventually and thankfully she wasn't the last so I don't feel quite so guilty now!

Kids are staying at Granny's tonight as I have an appointment at the quack's early so it was easier to leave them with Granny (she might not think so though) than try to get them down to Granny's by 7ish in the morn!!!

Started getting the Christmas decorations out today too....put batteries in all the noisy wee men that my husband so loves (not!). The trees are up but not decorated yet. We will do that tomorrow.

Catch up soon I promise (i've been a bit slack this last week!)


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