Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Itchy (& Scratchy)

I went back to Kinghorn Loch this afternoon. The access road is privately owned, narrow, and a fairly steep descent but today it was an icerink!
No room to turn round - I was committed. I then parked up and walked to the bird hide.

Almost as soon as I opened the hatch, a robin came right in to see who was there. Very skittery though - he was off again the moment the camera beeped to show it had focussed.

No woodpecker today - just the usual gang, so today I have chosen this image of a dunnock (Prunella modularis). It was sitting on the branch quite normally when I focussed, but just as I clicked, it decided to scratch an itch behind its head so that explains the strange posture and balance on one leg.

I thought this would be of more interest.

By the way, I got back out OK (obviously). I managed to build up some momentum and coasted gently up in 3rd gear.

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