Pineapple Head

A hectic day today, in a good way. A couple of clients are taking interesting things live next week and there is a lot that is out of our control so we have having to be more reactive than usual. This is fine, and tricky.

Having a teenage daughter means being sent shopping at lunchtime. Today it was Lush (the shop, a terribly smelly place). The assistant (pictured) could not have been more helpful. I just wandered over looking a bit forlorn and befuddled, she took the list and before I could comment on her amazing hair she had found the lot. Great service.

H is working late as it is school Nativity so I've just cooked a Pad Thai which at least half of the children have eaten.

I need to finish off the quiz/treasure hunt/poor excuse for a pub crawl questions for tomorrow night. If you see confused looking people in Cambridge tomorrow night I suspect it is my team ;)

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