Teddy tombola

Down early to the surgery for blood tests just in case I have an infection where one of the bolts was in my shin 2 months ago - it still has not healed properly.

Then into town, me to visit Marion on Granny duty, and play with Katy aged 2.5, a delightful little girl. Mr C was shopping for Christmas drinks - Crabbies Ginger Wine and Amarula.

He took Ella and Nathaniel to gymnastics and after they got back we had spaghetti with tomatoes, olives and capers. Their Dad was in bed as he works nights, and Mum was going out with some of the mothers of Ella’s friends. Nathaniel got his “TV choose” which was Octonauts. Ella tried to get another wobbly tooth out. Then they both showed us their rooms with their new big kids beds. They are the cabin sort, with space under for a den. He showed us his Newcastle United football shirt, second hand from a boy who had outgrown it.

Ella had made a tombola game. She had made lots of tickets (140) all decorated with butterflies. We both got 3 turns and if we got a number ending in 0 or 5 we got the pick of all her soft toys, of which there are many, mostly bought a jumble sales, or won in similar tombolas. Then I read her a chapter from her current book “Little House in the Big Woods”. I can’t skip bits now as she is reading along with me.

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