Berta's Daily Snaps

By bertalilac


So I didn't sleep at all today. I went to sleep at 8am in the morning and I really, really wish that I had bought coke or something to keep me awake.

Basically it was a party of very loud proportions, and I spent most of the evening and morning talking with Jenny, James G2, and Jonny, with occasional entrances from James G1, Pete, Julius and Samira. James G1 being completely smashed and Julius' mattress being wrecked from the bob sleighing down the stairs. So all in all it was a very interesting night and not particularly one that I won't forget for a while.

Mainly because what Jenny said was a pure bonding session and I don't think that I have laughed so much in an evening. The topics ranged from ducks that gang raped, being hysterical with laughter over a spelling mistake, and accidentally feeling up another flatmate.

Uni Life.

And I actually drunk only less than a glass of wine.

P.S This is the sunrise...and yes, I stayed up to watch it. And you can just see Venus as well.

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