Mesopotamia 2

Woke reasonably early again, and again, outside with the Hobbit and a cup of tea. Bliss!

A big cook-up for breakfast, a clean of the house, and we were off. Heading back to Christchurch. Windy again!

Stopped on the way back at the Peel Forest church (Church of the Holy Innocents).

Sadly it's been reasonably badly damaged by the earthquakes and the main stained glass window is gone, but the church (surprisingly) is still open to walk inside. Interestingly, it's "home" to Dame Ngaio Marsh, a great NZ writer, who is buried here. And also to Elizabeth S. Hawton, whom you may not know, but she was the first born person in Christchurch in 1851, dying in 1921 in Timaru, and buried at Peel Forest.


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