
By Grimsayer

Another one for the aficionados

A bog I hear you say. The remains of a village is my response. This is where Penmore was in about 1799. In the distance you should be able to make out a mound and that was the church at Kilmuir. Busy place then but not any more.
Not such a good spot if you were Paul of the Thong (not referring to his apparel I hasten to add) in the 15th century. He ended up at the wrong end of a blood feud (probably quite fairly so) and made for the mound and the church sanctuary it offered. Just as he reached it, he was shot by an arrow in the leg and promptly dispatched.
Now pretty much bog everywhere.
Six friends around for dinner tonight - a variety of vegetarians and carnivores and so a choice of nut roast or venison stew. Both excellent. Red wine seemed to be being drunk by all constituents until past midnight.

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