Graduation and Rings

Sort of . . .
Plus “At It Again . . .” at extra.
This morning whilst doing the accounts I noticed a 77mm to 82mm step up ring sitting on my desk.  It had been there for a couple of weeks and it had been  purchased so that I can use my square filter attachment on the new lens.  Well I just had to put it away and, of course, try out the graduated filters on the new camera while I was at it.
The shots never were intended for blipping, but this one looking into the sun caught my eye when flipping through today’s shots, and as everything else was rubbish I thought that I would use it. 
The shot(s) that I would like to blip never happened because the two s*x mad pigeons flew off just after I got the camera out.  This shot is WELL cropped, hence the grain.

ps - Tec info - 1.2 ND Hard  Graduation (SRB Photographic) - mental note, must get a 77mm Big Stopper.

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