Money to Burn

Recession, what recession?

I was walking past the Newcastle Civic Centre this morning. The council here are making around £40 million pounds in cuts - cutting Libraries, cutting Social Workers, cutting all funding to the arts.

What did I see? They are burning huge gas beacons at eight thirty am. As a council tax payer, and a general tax payer, and a national insurance tax payer, and a VAT payer, and a pension subscriptions payer....and on ...and on... this is rather galling to see. It just makes you think that this is pure government propaganda - this recession obsession. We have unprecedented levels of Corporate and individual greed, the biggest wealth divide in history and this perhaps is the manifestation of the whole madness. grrr.....

Q. how many librarians could be employed if there was not a huge bill for burning gas needlessly outside the council offices?

A. we will think about this and keep watching..

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