
By Madchickenwoman


Oscar and I got caught in the rain at Cotehele just as we started our walk! It absolutely threw it down! We sheltered in the lime kilns until it eased! Oscar sat withoutbeing asked - no way was he venturing out in it! Luckily it eased and as wewalked it eventually stopped - but not before we both looked like drowned rats! At the weir the water was making a terrific sound. Plus we bumped into Nellie of the Woods! Unfortunatly she was retracing her steps as she had lost a scarf given to her by a friend who died earlier this year. She was trying to put a brave face on it, saying if she didn't find it then it just wasn't meant to be, but she was obviously upset.
After doing the hens I took Oscar up to The exiles as one of her sons had arrived. Oscar didn't know who to pounce on! So he pounced on us all!

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