Not a photography day

a back blip the next day
This is an extremely quick (and really awful) snap of a poinsettia seconds before we settled down to watch the film: Carnage, on Sunday night, which I really enjoyed. It surprised me and I love to be surprised by films. (Unlike surprise parties and people shouting "Boo!" - I hate those)


A short and fairly uneventful day. We planned a walk but it started peeing down with rain and so I plumped for a bit of housework instead.

We managed to herd all the kids in the direction of their Granny Judy's house. It's difficult to get the teens to be dutiful, reliable or obedient (which is just as it should be! Teens must go their own way) but a bit of cunning organisation and hey presto. Full compliment of kids!

I haven't seen my mum this weekend (Granny Liz). I'm a bit confused because I thought she was coming over yesterday but then she said she was going to the theatre.

I'm getting worried I won't see her until the New Year. She's taking herself off for Christmas because she doesn't want to be inconvenient. I'm sorry she feels like that. I don't know what I've done to make her think she's inconvenient.

Christmas is sneaking into everyday life in a massive way and it's making me feel a bit emotional. December and Christmas preparations always make me think of my dad. It was when I had locked myself in a room, putting Tess's Christmas present together that I got the call from my dad to say he was leaving hospital because there was nothing more that could be done for him. The weeks that followed were so so so distressing and getting him home at Christmas took far too many days.

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