My favourite spot

Whenever I go on the bus I like to sit in the disabled spot. It's my favourite spot because there's lots of room for me to stretch out.

Today Ann said, 'Molly, I want to shampoo the rug. I need to put the shampoo on it and then leave if for a couple of hours, so you and me will go out because I can't trust you not to plonk yourself down on it.

Sooooooo, we jumped on a number 15 bus and went to Penicuik. Well, that didn't seem like a very exciting place for a little collie to go. So when we got off the bus I went into 'snail mode'. I was walking slower than a baby snail that had not learnt to walk. Ann's words, not mine!

Ann said, 'Molly, if you don't speed up we might as well abandon this walk and just jump on a bus home.'

Mmmmmmm........................ I ignored Ann. I knew she was bluffing because she'd already told me we had to be out of the house for at least two hours to let the carpet shampoo soak into our rug. So I continued to be snail like.

But after I'd walked for a little while, guess where we ended up?............................ On the Penicuik to Dalkeith Walkway. Yay!  Ann unclipped me from my lead and I went zooming off in super, duper, speedy mode. I even got to swim in the River Esk. Yay! There was a black schnauzer type dog watching me and I could tell he wanted to join me for a bit of a splish, splash, splosh. But his owner called him away and told him he wasn't allowed go in the water. I'm such a lucky little collie to have an owner like Ann, who lets me do as much splishing and splashing and sploshing as I want.

Anyway, we walked as far as Auchendinny and then we jumped on a bus and came home.

And do you know what?........................................... Loads and loads of people complimented Ann on my behaviour, both while waiting at the bus stops and when on the buses.


PS - Our rug is all clean again and smells lovely.

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