Christmas cheer after a fashion

The redoubtable volunteers at the Food Bank pausing for a well-earned  break. They are working flat out: as donations come in they have to be sorted  before distribution so that recipients get fair shares of  what's available, remembering that not everyone will have cooking facilities and equipment in their accommodation. The control room in the church hall doesn't have storage facilities for fresh food so everything has to be tins and packets (cereal, baked beans, corned beef, rice pudding...) plus nappies, soap and sanitary products. along with some festive treats to provide a semblance of good cheer. No sooner do donations come in than they claimed by needy folk and fresh appeals are put out for more . Such is the welfare system in Britain 2018. The recently unrolled Universal Credit scheme, aimed to combine an array of welfare benefits into a single sum, is paid retrospectively thus leaving innumerable qualifying families in need through no fault of their own.

PATCH, Pembrokeshire Action to Combat Hardship, 'celebrated' its 10th anniversary this year and has never been busier.

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