After three days of rain, and a damp morning, the sun came out and we had a lovely sunny afternoon. Was thrilled to get a wildlife blip at last, and the extra is of Daisy enjoying the show jumping this afternoon.
Walked into the village this morning to get some yogurt and was happy not to have to do any shopping as it was really busy. As I got home a friend arrived, and after a quick cup of tea she left and I took the dogs for a last walk. Not nice to go a walk in daylight and walk home in the dark, but hopefully it will slowly be getting lighter.
Many thanks for sticking with me as I am not doing very well at the moment with comments, but hopefully after Christmas is over things will get back to normal.
PS The new full moon just popped out of the clouds and I ran upstairs and got it out of the top window. By the way it is raining again!

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