Old Skool

Sunset and an old boat sailing.

Ok walked down to Blues Point after work and arrived 1 hour before sunset. So I scope out a couple of blip-portunities. Since I had a cracking headache, runny nose, sore muscles and tired eyes I decided to have a small lay down in the park and wait until 10 minutes before sunset. Well the lay down in the grass was quite pleasant and with about 15 minutes before sunset I decided to get up and goto to my first 'spot' - thank the heavens I did move early otherwise I would have missed this shot. As you can see the light is quite strong which can be awesome if you have the right subject or really bad if photographing say the city skyline (much better 10 minutes after sunset). Anyway hope you enjoy it.

as always best in LARGE

finally uploaded the weekends blips - sorting through 4000 photos is never fun. If you like Kangaroos it maybe worth you checking out Saturday's blip

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