The Many Adventures of Minny Blipper

He turned around and saw Marie, Michel,  the Mutt and Minimutt all looking at the most glorious winter scene - a toy shop and a Christmas Tree, carol singers, and all sorts of other things.

He hurried over to join them and they listened to the singers for a while.

Hey Marie, yelled a voice.  

Hey there Mel!  This is a surprise - what on earth are you doing at the top of that ladder - be careful you don't fall.  
No worries Marie, I won't fall.  Hey, who's the handsome dude with the hat and the camera.

Oh no, thought Minny; not another cheeky female.

Don't be clever Mel and you're not having him.  It's Minny Blipper and we are engaged to be married.

No way!  Congratulations - I'll come down and give you all a hug.  

Minny turned bright red - or as red as a Minifig can turn.  And stoically turned to be hugged to see Mel teetering on the edge of the ladder.  Just in time she managed to save herself, much to the relief of our hero.  He figured he had enough to do saving Marie from all sorts of life threatening adventures let alone her friends as well.

And with that we will leave Minny, Marie, Michel, Mutt and Minimutt - not to mention Monsieur le Chef, Marianne and Dr. Monty until next time..... watch this space.

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