Have you any Frodos?

Through to Glasgow today to meet up with one of our westerly volunteer managers. For days ScotRail has been plagued by delays and cancellation, not apparently weather related. More to do with staff training/absences and overtime ban by all accounts..

So set off early. The delays were more heading east. My train was a few minutes late but not bad. And when I got to Glasgow the travel problems did not look too bad.

When I did head back mid afternoon all went well. Train was very busy. I was surrounded by a group of cheery young (ie 19/20 ish) people heading to the Christmas market in Edinburgh. They were aware of the drinking restrictions in Princes St gardens so we’re filling up before getting there.

They were doing their best to down a bottle of wine before arriving. Each. These stories about young people drinking less did not seem to have registered with them.

They were in fact struggling to achieve their target but all was very good natured. When the trolley came round one of them, nstead of asking for Freddos, asked for the character from The Lord of the Rings. Much hilarity ensued.

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