
Christmas Eve

Was in the office finishing off some work

Made a winter salad when I got home using shredded raw celeriac, white grapes and other things - if it tastes good I’ll make two more batches tonight one to take to my folks on Boxing Day and one to take to Nick’s for tomorrow (I’m sure it will go with anything)

Bought this bold Italian second hand silk tie for my brother (I have got him other gifts but this pattern is so very him) it’s quite old and I’ve washed it twice and ironed it but it’s rather threadbare in places, hopefully places that can’t be seen if he wears it! Well it’s the thought that counts!

Watched the last three episodes of Killing Eve yesterday, it was very clever, I hope they do another series.

My only thing to do this eve is sort some clothes and work out what I need to wear over the next few days

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