A trio of trouble

We spent the afternoon in a brilliant huge new park...because it was siesta we pretty much had it all to ourselves. Picnic, sunshine, space to run and play = happy children and happy parents. It had been a pretty fraught journey to the park, so we were all glad to make it and let the kids run wild!
Nate's absolutely worn himself out walking round and round the huge scooter track - he went to bed with NO tears...there's a first for everything!

We've been doing prep for tomorrow's big meal - made big mince pie pies for the dessert...about to do sprout prep... There are so many people helping out this year that we've got a lot less to do than last year...I keep thinking we're missing something!

Drama of the day;
Over tired kids.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Free parks with great facilities that mean it can be a long and relaxing afternoon.
2) So many people getting involved with tomorrow's meal.
3) A pain-free bedtime with Nate.

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