Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


The moon still up as the sun began to rise this morning. A beautiful clear light today. We moved the horses to the wee paddock by the house and extended out the last of their electric fence on their field. Been meaning to do it for ages. The dogs enjoyed pottering around whilst we did this. 

After breakfast we set up some of our jumps to practice our dog agility with Dris and Bud. Since we'd been running around we thought we would finish the activities with a run with the younger dogs. I got a bit further today hitting over the 3k mark. On the way back inside the phone rings. We are awaiting arrival of niece so jump when anyone phones. It's not that but husbands step dad and family deciding to visit with 45min warning. So it was inside shower, clean and tidy and hastily make some mince pies as I didn't get much junk food in stock for the season to stop overindulgence!! Anyway it was lovely to see them and now it's relaxing evening with a rematch of scrabble with a film on in the background.

2c sunshine all day v frosty

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