ChristmaSki Day 8

I managed to get Mr W up on the slopes today with the promise of no chair lifts and breakfast in the shed at the top. Its our most local slope that's just walking distance from the chalet and  just has a drag lift. And he seemed to really enjoy it and was up and down that slope like a Duracell Bunny!

Meanwhile, the others all conquered the blue run that I tried a few days ago. This was Emilys first attempt on Blue and she smashed it!!!

Later on, Mr w and I hired some snow shoes and went back up the slope and headed off for a walk in several feet of beautiful, crisp, virgin snow!!

In the evening we all watched  the Lion King on DVD and the kids knew it work for word!!!! (2 of them have the Simba Cave drawing tattooed on them!!!)

I was first to be tonight - that snow shoeing was hard work!!!!

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