Thursday: Van Dusen Lights

We headed downtown this afternoon to take a wander round the shops and generally soak up the post-Christmas atmosphere.  I need a winter coat of much hardier quality than I have, for an upcoming trip, so we went to a famous  local retailer of such products ('Canada Goose') - the brand is so popular that you actually have to queue to get into the shop.  Definitely a first for us - but they are about the only ones that sell coats that are good for temperatures of minus 30.  Which is what I will need soon.  They didn't quite have what I needed but I received enough help to be able to order it online.

After that we had an experience that we have been long wanting to try - our first 'Japadog'.  It's exactly what it sounds like - Japanese flavoured hot dogs, complete with seaweed and wasabi.  Absolutely delicious!

Our final adventure of the day was at the Van Dusen Gardens, where we went to see the Christmas lights.  I've never seen anything quite like it - every inch of the garden was decked out.  It was absolutely stunning.  

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