Unlike Eric Morecambe's notes...

These are in the correct order.
There are reasons, not necessarily in the right oder.
1. I'd like a record of events.
2. I've an XS of spare shots
3. MORE practice.
Then - in the correct order.
Sprogs tended to be fed as seperate entities, I caught them here multitasking - feeding, watching TV and it looks like E is either controlling TV or playing another game. It was also more practice, in that the TV and windows needed adjusted as different entities from the main body.
Thence to one of Sheffield's multitude of parks where Aunty came in useful as a "child-minder", thus releasing the biggies for a few nanoseconds of calm. ;¬) So we snuck off for a  cuppa. Where we saw this beasty. Being unsure of its ancestry we designated it a "Pyrenean Mountain Poodle".
Onward, ever onward! Apparently Kat & R, like Peter Pan, never grew up; seems they behaved exactly the same as young teenagers. :¬)
Did they think Mam & Dad could lip-read?

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