The Crescent

We had a day in town. I had the treat of getting my nails done - bright red with silver sparkles. Then I got the bus to Haymarket and walked up for my physio appointment. I had to pass this crescent, in the shadow of St James’s Park. #3 daughter and son-in-law moved there before buying a house together. It was a brilliant location, but the high ceilings meant it was very cold in winter. It had a blue plaque as Willian Scott Bell lived there - he was an artist who set up the school of art here, and was a friend of the Pre-Raphaelites.

Sophie the physio was very pleased with me but insists on no hillwalking till April. (I didn’t tell her about yesterday). She took me to the gym to see how I managed on the x trainer and bike so I got approval to do that. And to carry on with the boring exercises. No swimming yet as one of the wounds from the bolt is not quite healed yet.

I walked to Eldon Square, my first time at shops since August. Hand cream and moisturiser were bought - when I’d previously needed those Mr C did not adhere to my list. He was very pleased to report he’d found some MUCH cheaper than my usual brand. It was cheap for a reason and that was nothing to do with packaging.

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