
By Beewriter


I was up and on the phone at 8am to book an appointment with the’s the only time to ring to guarantee getting in. There must be a lot of sick people round here as I’m always in a phone queue.

I’m still suffering after a donor grabbed me as she fainted and we both crashed to the floor two weeks ago. The doc said I’ve damaged an intercostal muscle and there might be a cracked rib too. It is driving me mad as I can’t get comfortable. I’m back on painkillers....again. What a blinkin’ year.

Sue and I went out for lunch in Chorlton today. We had a mooch round the shops then weighed up all the eateries and decided on we could relive our Turkish holiday lol. The food was good and we had a laugh with the waiter.

BTW....I’m not really bandaged. Andrex came in handy for a photo opportunity.

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