Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Dragon whispering

Neurothemis fluctuans.

It is not that I think that you doubt me, in fact I am very sure that you don't. But, a year ago, if anyone told me that this was possible, I would have been rolling on the floor laughing.

I was actually after a head shot for the 'eye' series, but he was sitting all wrong. I thought about chasing him around and then I remembered my outlandish statement were I said that I could raise the dragon's abdomen with my finger to set up a better photograph. A video would have been a full days work, so I decided to try to photograph the stunt.

I actually shot this at 10:15am and the sun was well up, so nothing to do with cool temperatures. Once I get in close, it is as if the dragons accept me as not being a threat. They become hypnotized is the best way to describe it. As long as I don't make any sudden movements, I can do almost anything that I want.

I tried to get him to walk like a chicken, but this was the best I could get.


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