Mainichi no Kioku

By saki

Catch me if you wanna.

So in the early afternoon, my sis and I took Bin Bin for a walk to Jurong East to run some errands. Got Bin Bin some new snacks and one of it is this really cute looking gingerbread man!!! It has such a cheeky face on its face and so my sis suggested that I took an interesting image out of it and tada here is it!

Bin Bin is enjoying this new snack pretty much! :D

Had dinner with the EXCO at Himawari. SUPER FULL!!! Nic and I took a walk before heading home but we didn't expect the destination to be THAT far and we ended up walking for an hour... Can die, haha!

But an interesting side, we saw a helicopter on a yacht!!! Like seriously? Some people are just way too rich... O.O

Energy draining day~


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