Carskey Bay, Winter Sun

11.3C with sunny sunshine. Moderate WSW/SW/W breeze.

Grocery shopping.

We drove the ten miles or so South to Southend then followed the road round past Dunaverty beach and Kiel to Carskey Bay. No seals on the rocks at Kiel today. Tide low. Calm out to sea with a few small waves breaking close to the shore.

We walked along to the far end and back.
Fergus was off his lead did some running about and some exploring.

Later Apothecary7 was painting.
BBC Radio 2 was on in the background.

DC-TZ90  f/3.3 1/640 sec. ISO-80 4mm (35mm focal length 26mm)

Note: First blip from new camera processed (not much) in new software (PSE2018 and Viveza2) on Win 10 laptop (not new).

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