6 years!

I keep forgetting the milestone comes round a day early due to the leap year. Having set out to try a 365 project fully expecting to manage about 10 days it seems to have turned into 6 years without any gaps. Many thanks to everyone who comments and encourages both on here, FB and real life. If you are a photographer and aren't on Blip why not it's a great discipline as well as a really friendly place! Going forward will see how it goes with posting every day but will definitely still be here.

Seems apt that an anniversary blip is one of a car! Today was a silly o'clock start to drive to Wales arriving at the track before sunrise for my first try at rally marshalling. A relaxing day with good company and surprisingly good weather. The more observant will spot they aren't wearing helmets - no snapping while marshalling so grabbed this shots as cars returned to assembly.

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