Lichfield Cathedral

Today was the first of a two day visit to LIchfield Cathedral - every year we visit a different cathedral between Christmas and New Year.

This really was serendipity as we had no idea how lovely the cathedral was and the history of Lichfield.  First there is this most striking facade and then inside we were presented with 20,000 paper doves, designed by the Cathedral's artist in residence, Peter Walker. Third blip

What was also lovely was that there was a wedding in progress, so I have a shot of the screen and altar with the bride and groom.  Didn't know then that they were having their reception at the hotel we were staying in!

Around the cathedral were decorated Christmas trees provided by local schools, charities and local firms.  You could buy a token for a £1 and vote for the one you preferred the most.  The winning school and charity each will be awarded a £250 prize, and the winning firm gets a trophy.  The remaining money goes towards the upkeep of the cathedral.

A lovely day and more to follow tomorrow

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