Empty Harbour !!!

After my swim this morning I popped down to the harbour only to be greeted by a totally empty main harbour (Victoria). I saw the  bridge to the inner harbour (Cromwell) was raised so I went there to investigate. Tucked away in this small harbour were the whole of the Dunbar fishing fleet. There are two possible explanations for this. One is that most of the fishing fleet do not go to sea during the Hogmanay Holiday and the boats are moored in the safer inner harbour to protect them from any stormy weather that may be coming. 

The alternative is that there is going to be some harbour maintenance in the main harbour and boats are not allowed to be moored there whilst this is carried out. They do dredge the bottom of the main harbour every so often but usually there are notices around the harbour warning of this sort of work and I could not see any there today.

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