Shit mates

Our Shit mates joined us for the day. We usually meet on New years Day at the Balck rabbit in Arundel but they were fully booked.

I made lasagne instead. 

Daughter Number 1 and Samuel Squidget also joined us a Sam has been staying here.

DN1 also set up my brand new Alexa. I'm going to have fun with that - finally someone who listens to me!!!!!! 

So - that's the end of 2018. Its been a good one. Except for my car dying the day before we went away. Its proper dead, dead. I am carless. That makes me a bit sad.

But we also have some exciting news to share - that while we were away, we both decided that we are ready for the pitter patter of tiny feet. All 4 of them. So in 2019, we are expecting a Doggie! We will look for one in the Rescue centres. No Puppy Farms, no Pedigree hunting. But a medium sized dog, preferably a puppy, who needs a kind and loving home. Its taken me a while to come to terms with it after having to rehome Bear, but now that Mr W is more or less retired and now works from home, our personal situation is far more suited to having a dog, but I do feel guilty for Bear. I know she will know no different, but it still bothered me for a while. But no the hunt begins and I have decided to Volunteer to do some dog walking for a local rescue centre.

Exciting times ahead.

So Happy New year to you all and especially to all my Family and Friends. I hope you are all Happy, Healthy and Kind. xXx

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