HAPPY 2019!

Naturally, the place to be was the beach!  Fireworks, dance music, food.  After about half an hour, we were ready to return to our room, and we weren't the only ones.  Some locals were becoming rowdy after a bit too much drink and AW figured it would be safer to leave in case the crowd changed its mood.

Altogether, though, we had a great time!  Far away in MNL, M were already ahead of us.  We had been in touch with each other on and off the whole day.  They miss us and we miss them ...

2018 had been a good year despite many things, and I did my best to go forward.  2019 will put less strain on my nerves, I hope.  I've been wishing everyone a Happy 2019 ... and now I wish it for myself, too ... a happier, safer, less stressful year, and my only resolution (I am not a fan of the word) is ... to take more things into consideration, whatever the situation.  AW is now my prime concern.

Your celebrations have been fab, I trust!   5 more days left for this holiday ... then back to work.  Today, we flew from Goa to Pune (Pu-nè) with SpiceAir, a good short flight.  See you all tomorrow!

PS.  There are ants in my laptop ... *bleuh*

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