Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

The best thing

I cannot think of any better way to start a new year than spending it with these two young ladies. Both parents were on duty last night, so they stayed over with us and we had a quiet hogmanay, or at least it was quiet once these two had gone to sleep!
For some reason they seemed to have missed my request for a long lie this morning so Eilidh appeared at my side at 7.15am saying that Isobel was awake too and wanted to come out of her cot. On being asked if Isobel had been awake for long, Eilidh replied 'No, only since I helped her to sing Bee, Baw, Babbity with me! ' There's not a lot you can say to that. However 7.15 is quite late compared to many mornings.
We went out to the zoo over the lunch /early afternoon period. It was very cold, one of those days when you are glad to be a member and don't have to try to fit everything in. We did make our way up to the top of the hill though. The food outlets all had queues out of the door, we'd been intending to have a coffee but didn't bother, we'd taken a snack and drink for the girls. It seemed like a missed opportunity for better catering though.
We enjoyed looking at all the Chinese lanterns, but as we were there in the day time they weren't illuminated. They must look amazing when they are and others have blipped them. The penguin parade, which they stress is voluntary was a bit thin on participants today but these two gentoos enjoyed the fuss. Apparently Kevin the rockhopper penguin is banned from the parade as his behaviour is not acceptable, I love it, a teenage rebel penguin!
Back home for a full New Years Day roast beef dinner, yum!
Managed 13616 steps today in spite of heading for an early night. Happy New Year 2019, wherever you are reading this and thanks for making blip such a wonderful family

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