New Year’s Day

Today I am not beside the sea.
But I have spent time there in my mind.
What will this year bring?
There is a strong intention to focus on what feels important and shed a lot of ‘stuff’ -material and inner clutter too.

I liked this post I read today and thought you might enjoy reading it.

‘Forget New Year’s resolutions, promises, and pledges; banish diets and to-do lists! To me, they always seem too militant and restrict us more than inspire. Instead of making lists of what you should do, accomplish or achieve, ask yourself what brings you joy, what makes your heart sing? I love the last line of Mary Oliver’s beloved poem, The Summer Day. “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” What do you, dear friend, plan to do with this one wild and precious year? What is truly important? What is calling you? What do you need to release and who do you need to become in order to answer that call? Wishing you a rich and rewarding 2019! You are loved!

“What in your life is calling you,
When all the noise is silenced,
The meetings adjourned...
The lists laid aside,
And the Wild Iris blooms
By itself
In the dark forest...
What still pulls on your soul?” -Rumi

Happy New Year to you all .

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