LocalBoy & His Fotographs

By stevenbirrell

The Bird and the Shooting Star

Day off today. Had a day left to take before the end of the year and it was supposed to be spent doing a Subaru rallying experience at Knockhill. Unfortunately cancelled yesterday due to snow. I thought that would've made it more fun and exciting but health and safety probably thought otherwise!

Still, a day to recharge the batteries and have pretty much pottered about. Nice lunch with wife and then a wee afternoon kip which you cannot beat! I am sure I have blipped the view from my living room window a few times, but I like it and the colours and branches looked nice as the sun set today. In middle of picture there is a wee bird that flew into shot and to the left of it, what looks like a shooting star. Think it more likely that it is either a smudge on window or my camera!

Off to The Alhambra theatre in town tonight for Kevin Bridges. Looking forward to it, not a bad way to end a day off.

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