My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Ice Skating

Took L ice skating for the first time today at a local garden centre.

She and I started off pushing a little penguin skating aid but she really didn’t like that! There were a few tears. She was a little happier riding on the banana with her cousin (who then took over the penguin).

After about 20 minutes L had had enough so I handed her over to N who didn’t want to skate and I carried on for a while with my SIL and nieces. It was fun!

In other news we finally heard from the vet today with news of the fasting blood test that Mrs Rossi-cat had done before Christmas. They STILL can’t find anything wrong and she STILL has awful diarrhoea. Unfortunately we have to go to the next stage now and have booked her in for a general anaesthetic for some gut biopsies to be taken. Please let her get through this and that they get to the bottom of it so we can fix our lovely, poorly little cat.

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