
By Laudergirl


After putting all the Christmas decorations and lights away went to the greenhouse to see how the bulbs were doing.  The hyacinths don't look that great and I think the flowers will be small.  They were last years.  The little daffs are coming through nicely.
First thing today was to vacuum the carpets that had been cleaned the night before.  Then it was on to baking, as all the muffins had been eaten. Next was to bottle the red cabbage, it has been a very very long time since I did any but will be looking forward to having some next week.
G suggested going out to do some shopping so a quick trip to Keighley. That done back home to do a few crosswords and then tea.
The hedgehog is still coming and I go out to check at 7.00 p.m. - he/she is very precise on the time he/she appears and the food is polished off and the dish cleaned, quick drink and then off into the night.  

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