I Do Like Watermelon.

Yesterday, she didn't like it today, she loves it!

A better day today, apart from this morning.

The girls arrived at 7.30, we had breakfast, and everything was ticking along nicely, when we couldn't find Mikey and BooBoo.

I realized they'been left in Alexandra's car.  We tried to convince Isabella that they were at work helping Mummy.  But I knew she wasn't going to be happy until we went and got them.

So off we went.  Picked up The Monkeys, had a quick look around Target, then we returned home, with one happy little girl.

After about half an hour at home, we went out for a walk, and Mia fell asleep really quickly.  She stayed asleep for two and a half hours. 

This meant I had plenty of time to do things with Isabella.  We painted, or rather she painted and I cleaned up.

Then we played an alphabet jigsaw game.  After that there was a new imaginative game.  We had a boat in the kitchen, and we kept having to get changed and go for a swim!

After lunch when both girls consumed a load of cheesy pasta, it was time for the pool.

Then a lot of running around the house with a piece of tinsel, with lots of giggling going on.  It's amazing what entertains them.

Hopefully they sleep well tonight, I know I will!!

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